Tuesday 15 May 2012

Creating. For Enjoyment.

I love to create. In particular, I adore scrapbooking. It's an activity guaranteed to make time, worries and cares disappear into a vortex. Covered in ink, glue and paint and surrounded by a menage of paper, fabric, chipboard, ribbons and embellishments I was in heaven.

Then it went pear shaped. The scrapbooking world I loved so much became less about sharing and more about competition, putting others down and outdoing each other. It tainted the whole create process for me. I took a huge step back, looked at it and decided I didn't want to be a part of all that.

I took some time off creating. I dabbled in some card making though and a little teaching with friends but I mostly ignored it.

I've found my groove again. I discovered some websites that celebrate all scrapbookers and all styles. I found that there were scrapbookers out there who, like me, weren't into competition and outdoing others. They were happy to share techniques, bare their souls and open themselves willingly so that they might share their art and receive in return.

I'm scrapboooking again and thoroughly enjoying it. It's time to get the camera out, revisit my enjoyment of photography and get scrapping.

You can see my new creations at: Raptural Reveries

Mothers Day

Mothers Day is about more than just being a mother. It's about being with and enjoying your family. I had the most delightful, enjoyable day.

It wasn't that a delicious breakfast was cooked for me.
It wasn't the gorgeous gifts chosen so lovingly from the Mothers Day Stall at school.
It wasn't the fabulous book about simple living obviously chosen with much thought by my husband.
It wasn't the board games we played.
It wasn't wandering around the markets in the sublime Autumn sunshine.
It wasn't the scrumptious Indian food and Moet and Chandon champagne for dinner.

It was that I experienced all these moments with my family. All of us.  Together. Enjoying each others company. Laughing, interacting, playing and loving.

THAT is what Mothers Day is all about. ♥